Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Sky is Falling!

For months my oven has been on the blink, and finally baked its' last cookie just in time for transfer week. So I was excited and grateful last week to get a new one! That same day, I walked into the dining room to see water dripping down from the light fixture above the table. I had to just laugh at one more new surprise added to the dozens of things that have continually gone wrong with the house and appliances here. Of course, by the time the repairman came, the leaking had stopped, so it was impossible to tell what the source of the problem was. But about every other day, it starts up again, even when we have been gone from the house for 12 hours and have not turned on ANY water! So, here is my new table top decoration. I guess I won't be surprised if the ceiling falls in one day - so far the wallpaper job there holds the big bubble of water okay! The water problem has caused a short that constantly trips the breaker that controls the fridge, dishwasher and furnace - which also means no hot water. The new stove came just in time for me to be able to cook water to wash dishes in, and thank goodness we love the mogyoktang! (Korean bathhouse) I'm finding that missionary "work" has many dimensions.


mamapickle said...

How did you find this song! hahahah, perfect!! Sorry you are having such a time with the house there, you may come home and think your place is AWESOME and not want to move afterall. Was this Dad's plan all along?

Marcie said...

Good choice with the laughing. Sometimes I have to remind myself to laugh it off.
The sky is falling just makes your experience serving in Korea that much more special!
Thanks for your example!

Nate P said...

Perfect song! What a mess!!! The big cursed cloud has finally blown from above our house, but I'm sorry that it moved your way. It doesn't look or sound safe. Maybe you need to go live in the Hilton for awhile until it's fixed! Love ya, jen